Friday, April 9, 2010

Peach and Lemon Hate the Cold

ROFL. I'm so lame for putting that as the title, because no one will get the joke, unless Big Red were to read this, which she doesn't. Ah well, I will look at it and laugh, and reminisce.

But yeah, I felt the need to post something she had written about our twinlisness, it just makes PERFECT SENSE. And we were really proud of ourselved for understanding it. So I thought I'd share.
"Okay so I have this friend.She's pretty much the same person as me. Basically, we are a part of a different world; you know those angels and devils on peoples shoulders? Yeah, we're in the angel/devil world. And together, we make up one person in a bigger world,with features that combine the two of us. Soooo my friend called being the devil first, but that is not going to happen because we interchange angel and devil roles sooo sometimes I'm the angel, and sometimes she's the devil. And so the angel is sometimes the devil and the devil is sometimes the angel...and our host is just really stupid."

Beautiful, no?
We are absolutely genius.

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