Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Five exclamation points, the sign of a true madman.

Uh huh, well, too bad I'm not crazy. (I swear I'm not, even the rapist agrees, I'm just "quirky"). Shrinking tomorrow!!! Oh boy, oh boy.

Erm, yeah, don't have enough time for a legitimate post tonight, but I felt like writing a post for four twenty, which is cause for taking some time out and reflecting (or smoking a joint). Plus, I feel the need to share an entertaining story about law class today.
My teacher was roleplaying a scene this scene (cause we were talking about AIDs)
Girl: Ooh, baby, let's go get freaky.
Guy: Mmmm, ooh, wait, babe, I should probably let you know, I've got the HIV.
Girl:Oh. Uhm, well then. I need to go... wash my hair.

Thing is, just as he was thinking up an excuse for the girl to get away, I called what he was going to say and we ended up saying "wash my hair" at the exact same time. Everyone turns around, looks at me, and we all burst out laughing. "Bahahahha, she's definitely used that excuse before!". It was entertaining. AND THEN we decided that our law teacher resembles the Crimson Chin from "Fairly Odd Parents".

Hahah, and, there was an awkward encounter today, between me, my ex and my other ex. I had left class "to go to the bathroom" and out in the hallway, I see the two of them just chatting. Not interested in joining the conversation, I attempt to walk past them, but they see me and one calls me over, "Hey whore". "Hey slut" I reply. The other one was all shocked, "You call her a whore?". To which he replies "duh" and the conversation goes on, we exchange hugs, I get lifted, tickled, poked, and squished once more, and then I escape, only to be dragged back for another hug (I'd forgotten to hug the other ex). I then escape, run away, find another friend, and as me and him are walking back to class, one of the ex's is headed in our direction. We stop to talk again, and he (ever so sweetly) tries to ask if the friend is my boyfriend. I'm pretty sure I saw jealousy. Lol, but that's only cause this is the ex who was trying to push for the hookup. Hahah, yeah, I love highschool. It is SO entertaining.

Oh, and, uhm, apparently, my boyfriend's falling for me.

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