Tuesday, April 13, 2010


This was supposed to be a peaceful post, titled "Mmmm", with the sole content being "Contentment". However, I must now rant about how stupid the male species is, and how irked I am by them.
Well, no, that's not fair.
I'm not irked at the species in general. Just my ex, who decided he was bored and wanted to have some fun (again), so started talking to me again. This doesn't bother me so much. What bothers me is how fake some people can be in order to get what they want. For example, he wants to hook up again, but wants it to look casual, so instead he suggests we "hang out". Then, in order to get on my good side, and have me look upon him favorably, he tells me how much he misses me. He then attempts to compliment me with "I miss talking to you, you're not like other girls who don't use their brains". Uhhhmmm, kay? Thanks, I guess.
Actually, no, despite it's fakeness, that "compliment" was a nice touch.
Either way, not only does he have horrible timing, but I'm now beginning to see what the rapist means when she says I've become cynical in regards to guys, and what she means when she says that I let myself be used. Ugghhhh.
Wish I could talk more, but I've got a law test tomorrow, and had about two hours of sleep last night.
I don't know how this is going to work.

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