Friday, April 9, 2010

Mmm, Cheese.

How will I know,
The right way to love you?
I'm such a fool,
I'm such a fool,
I'm such a fool.
This one's out of my hands.

Practically positive that the majority of the female species can relate to that song.

I was *this* close to breaking down today.
I'm too proud to be pitied.
Besides which, I don't want pity, or sympathy.
I don't want it, and I don't need it.

By the way, you weren't online, and I can't go on the phone right now, so let me just say, before I forget, I'd rather you didn't chastise me on the way I speak with my best friend. You misunderstood my "get over it". The only reason I can comfortably tell her to "get over it" is because a) she knows that her nagging me every single day is just asking for me to snap at some point or other, and b) because she knows I'm not genuinely mad at her for nagging me. So you don't to jump up and defend her. She knows what I mean.

And, one more thing before I go:

I'm honestly worried. (I fear that my pride is getting the better of me here.)

As you are aware, I do have feelings for you. And, I care about you. You matter to me, much like the other important people in my life. However, I don't want your pity. If you sincerely believe that you're with me because you have feelings for me as well, then that's great, and we can have a happily ever after. But, if you think that you're doing it more so to give me that happiness, then I don't want it. I want to be liked for me, not pitied for my situation.

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