Monday, May 11, 2009

If You Promise Not to Tell

I stared into my mirror today.
I had a question, and was looking for my answer.
It makes no sense to me, of all people,
Why was I the one that fit?

I'm happy right now, and I want to try to write it down as I would before knowing that someone was reading this. It would be easier if I didn't know he was reading.
Not that it really changes anything, I only have good things to say.
Granted, it will probably increase his already huge ego, which is never a good thing.
Point is, I'm pretty sure I'm in love, and it's bugging me cause I shouldn't let myself think of it as love. Not yet anyways. It's just, everytime I think of him, or talk to him, or hear someone call his name, I get all giddy and bubbly. When I'm talking to him, I'm just content to listen to him breathe. Which kinda scares me, cause I feel like I'm dependant on him now. I actually start feeling depressed if I don't talk to him for a little while. It's getting to be ridiculous, and I've only known him for about... four weeks? If even.
I'm pathetic. I've been craving his texts and phone calls. No matter what he says, it always has some dramatic emotion attached to it. He can say the tiniest thing, and I'll feel like I'm plummeting off of a very tall building, then he'll say how he's kidding and it's like the wind magically caught me and kept me from falling apart.
I want to stop talking about him, and stop thinking about him so much, but I don't know how to now. Doesn't help that he told me last night how possible it is that it's all just pretend. Hard to explain, but baisically means that he doesn't know who he is yet, or something along those lines, so it's possible he's just being the flirt he knows he is.

Kay, stoppng now.
I still have my life, aside from him. There's still school, and my best friends (who I think are getting tired of hearing about him), and (my favourite of all *rolls eyes*) my parents. No, that was unfair. They are tough to deal with, but I think they're trying to make it a bit easier on me. Kinda, sorta.
RAWR. School. Ughhh, I swear the teachers just want us all to fail so they can laugh in our faces. All of my classes have decided to give me at least one major project to be done by the end of the month, and there are a couple tests (and exams) scattered here and there.
I was working on a writer's craft assignement, we had to write a short story, about 2000 words. Being me, I left it to the last minute, and finished it the night after it was due. Being me, I failed at saving my document, and now have to write the whole thing all over again. The worst part is that I BSed the entire thing, so I can't even say "Oh, I remember what I wrote, I can just rewrite it!" because I don't. FML.

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