Saturday, May 23, 2009

Please Stop Whispering Lies in My Ear..

It's Starting To Tickle.

I just had the most heart-wrenching heart-to-heart with my aunt.
My mom's youngest sister.
We all used to hate her.
Thought she was all high and mighty, like she ruled the world.
Couldn't stand her.

I'm at her house right now, and she came up to me, as I was doing my homework earlier. She seemed.. sad. But not really sad.. more thoughtful than anything else.
Anyways, she started off with some small talk, and then looked at me and said "I hope you never forget your roots." I kinda just, looked at her.

She looked back sympathetically and told me how highly she thinks of me. Despite everything she knows I've done... she loves me. She told me how my mother loves me too, even though I put her through hell sometimes.

Apparently, my mom admires me. This means.. so much to me. To hear my aunt tell me this. I couldn't even say anything back. I just started crying. She told me that my mom is proud of me. That she loves how stubborn I am, how tough I try to be. That she loves everything about me.
My aunt then told me how much I remind her of herself when she was younger. I know, the most cliche line in the book. But.. you have no idea how strong it is.. to actually here someone tell you that. I dunno.. it didn't really surprise me. I figured she was like me when she was younger. Like me, just prettier.

My aunt is so gorgeous. Why am I saying this? a) Cause it's true. b) Cause after she told me to "Remember my roots." she proceeded to say, flat out "You're so beautiful." I must have given her the most confused look. To hear this coming from one of the people I consider to be prettier than half the models on TV.. it meant alot. I know.. she has to tell me that she thinks I'm pretty. And I know, she was just saying it to add to her point, but it made me feel good for a minute. I didn't believe it for a second, but it still felt nice.

It ended with both of us in tears, and her telling me that I'm her favourite neice as I tried to wipe away the tears that had made their way down to my chin.

I guess I do love her after all.

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