Saturday, May 30, 2009

One Night In Vegas

Goodness gracious.. I haven't written in what feels like FOREVER!!
I wanted to write all about prom the night of, but I was so exhausted that I just went straight to bed. and then when he called, I fell asleep at the phone at least three times.
Well, to sum it up, prom was incredible. I went with one of my grade 12 friends as his "date" and I'm afreiad he may have forgotten that I have a boyfriend. I may be reading this too much, I mean, it may just be that he was having a good time, but I can't help but feel weird about it. It's hard to explain what I'm trying to say, I guess I just thought he seemed really.. protective? Or something. But not just protective, just really into it. When we were all dancing, everyone was grinding, and at first me and him weren't.. but then it got really crowded on the dancefloor and we were pushed against each other and it was like.. whatever.. no big deal, we're just dancing, right? Then he put his hands on my waist, and it was still like, whatever. I got kinda weirded out so I decided I needed air and went out onto the balcony for a bit and called him up. We had a nice little five minute chat before he sent me back to the party. I headed back in and decided to find my best friend and ask her if her "date" was being as.. physical.. with her. I find her grinding with this other guy that she had had a physical relationship with before. I look at her, and pull her over, remind her that she's got a boyfriend.. who probably wouldn't approve of her dancing with a guy thats got his hands grabbing her ass. She just laughed it off and said they were just dancing. That bugged me a bit, but I let it slide.. it's prom after all. Hahahahah, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. (The theme was "One Night In Vegas")
Another thing was when we were slow dancing. I could feel my "date" smelling my hair, and I was scared he was gonna lean in for a kiss, so I tried to keep my face in his shoulder the whole time. He kept telling me how he was having such a great time and I felt really bad, cause I kept trying to ditch him so I could dance with other people. About two hours in, I had thrown caution to the wind and was dancing like a madwoman, I had so much energy that I was practically bouncing off the walls.
The one downer during the night was during dinner, when the waitress managed to drop a plate of hot food (steak, chicken and vegetables.. all covered in gravy) on my back. It wasn't that bad, and I felt really bad for the waitress, and it was an understandable mistake, so I tried to calm her down a bit while my friends tried to get some of the food off of me. The waitress just kept apologizing and I just really wanted to get to the bathroom.. the food had been hot. I felt so bad because it wasn't even my dress, and it now smells like gravy.

That was my thursday night, and it was a blast and a half. Then, on friday, I didn't go to school, I stayed home and slept and watched a movie. After his school ended he headed over and my dad had (what I thought to be) a very awkward and unnecessary talk with him. All about his morals and how he was brought up. Bleh.
We went upstairs and were fooling around a bit.. and he fingered me. It was incredible, but I was confused, and I was trying to stop him... I had thought he didn't want to go that far.
I guess it didn't occur to me that he would want something as well, I was so out of it that I didn't reealize that I was only taking. I think it's because I'm not used to getting, I'm usually the one that's giving, and so it was.. different. But nice different.

At around 6, his mum came and picked us up from my house to take us to his friend's house. She was having a potluck and graciously extended his invitation to include me.
It was awkward at first, but I think it was alright after.. I was enjoying myself. It was very different from the parties I'm used to. First of all, it was completely clean. No drinks, no drugs, no sex, no one passed out on the floor.. it was very clean. Second, it seemed that it wasn't just one group. It was a bunch of different groups merged into one. Like, for the parties I'm used to, it's generally just the stoners. This party was a mix of people from all different cliques. It was nice to see.

I left early, about an hour before everyone else, and I wanted to get hugs from everyone, but they all looked so comfrotable on the couches that I didn't have the heart to get them up.
I just hope everyone liked me.. or at least didn't hate me.

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