Sunday, May 17, 2009

What Do You Do When The Glue Doesn't Stick?

He met my family...
Like, not just my parents, but also my aunts, uncle, grandma, cousins, parents and sister.
Sure, that's not my WHOLE family, but it's a fairly large number of people. Meanwhile, his mom apparently doesn't like me.. seeing as she hasn't met me. His dad has accepted that he has a girlfriend, but has apparently heard some rumour about me, and his sister.. I don't know what she thinks of me.

Besides that, I've been enjoying this weekend very much so far. I saw him on the friday, then on the saturday as well. It was beautiful. We went to see a movie (which he keeps paying for. the first time he said that his sister paid, and then this time he paid and wouldn't let me pay him back. It's sweet I guess, and I don't mind. but I feel bad. I'll start getting places early and paying before he gets there :D), and then my mom invited him to my aunt's house.
We spent a nice chunk of our time there in my cousins room, on the couch, with the lights out. I totally love it, but I'm kinda scared that we're spending too much time like that. We didn't have a full conversation together the entire time we were there. I don't mind, I talk to him plenty, but I'm scared that we're going to be dependent on the physical aspect of the relationship, and that's not a very sturdy base. Part of me doesn't care, because I love it so much. The other part of me is yelling at me to take it more slowly (I am convinced that the latter part of me has been influenced a great deal by him, hopefully the other part of me is influencing him just as much).

I was scared he was mad at me last night. I'm pretty sure I was just being stupid, and that theres no reason for me to think that, but it didn't stop me from thinking it last night. I don't even remember why I thought he was mad.

I'm kinda pissed at myself. I had a really great poem being made up in my head last night, but I was too tired to write it down. Now I can't remember it. Rawr.

Wanted to write about something else as well, but I can't think of anything worth recording, so I'll just end this... here.

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