Wednesday, May 13, 2009

No Matter How Many Times You Ask That Question, The Answer Remains The Same

"What started that fight?"
"You being you, which lead to me being the me I am when you're the you that I don't like."

I don't like her. No, I detest her. She disgusts me. She makes me hate my life. She makes me hate her. And for the dumbest reasons too.

Meh. Whatever. We apologized and hugged an were happy. Ish.

Moving on. I am a horrible girlfriend. Like, terrible. Me and my BOYFRIEND (I love saying that now:P) talk every night, on the phone, at around 1ish.. till whenever. I was supposed to call him last night, after my parents fell asleep. I forgot. And proceeded to fall asleep. Only to get a call at 2:30, from my boyfriend, who was curious as to why I didn't call. I felt really bad and was apologizing and all that, and it was whatever. We get into our conversation, and I manage to fall asleep. While we're talking. About a half hour into the conversation and I'm out cold. He didn't notice at first, but then realized I was asleep and proceeded to tell me things he apparently can't tell me while I'm conscious. He then hung up and went to bed.
I woke up at 6:30, realized my phone was still on, and figured I must have fallen asleep during our midnight chat. Without thinking, I call him. At 6:30. In the morning. "Mmm.. mhmm uhm, ello?" "GOOD MORNING!!". It was funny. But horrible. And I felt REALLY bad. So I spent a good 10 minutes talking to him then, the majority of the conversation being "I am really really sorry. I don't know why I was so tired. I'm sorry!" Being the incredible boyfriend he is, he just kept telling me that it's fine, don't worry, no big deal, etc. I still felt really bad. Hmph.

Ew, I had a four hour exam today. Disgusting. We had to write THREE fucking essays. In two hours. Ugh. Bleh. Yeah.. then there were a bunch of other random parts to it. It was horrible.
Hahaha, and, I fail at being pierced. I was really bored a couple nights ago and started playing with my belly button ring, and I took it out, and I somehow managed to kill the ring so that it didn't close properly anymore, leading to it constantly falling out. Luckily, my best friend had an extra from when she got hers done so I just took that from her. And proceeded to replace my own in the middle of the school hallway. With my friends staring at me. "EWWWW.. " and making fun of me for struggling to get the ring through my skin.
Yes, I fail.

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